Johnstone Construction continues to invest heavily in our team to undertake professional development. Developing our people to grow within Johnstone Construction is one of our priorities. Health and Safety Manager, Adri Swanepoel, oversees most of the educational initiatives to ensure that team members’ skills are evolving with industry trends and best practices on site.
We recently celebrated many team members successfully undertaking professional training and pursuing learning opportunities to expand their skill sets. These include;
Tama gaining his SiteSafe Safety Harness Systems certificate.
Krissy completed the 2-day course - Understanding NZS3910 2013 Conditions of Contract.
Keys obtaining an NZ Certificate in Workplace Health & Safety Practice (Level 3).
Andy & Honana completed and passed their L3 Infrastructure courses.
Pera obtaining his Site Safe Foundation Passport.
Adri completing the Health and Safety in Contracting and Training and Supervising workers course.
We look forward to celebrating and acknowledging further employee development as more learning opportunities are completed by the team.