This was a special project involving a 1930s heritage building and blending in a bespoke modern new addition to create a purpose-built Early Childcare Centre.
The building had been gutted and partly opened up when JCL took over the contract at the end of 2021 (see attached drone photos).
The project enabled JCL’s experienced LBP, Mike Papas, to hone his carpentry and Site Leadership skills.
Inspite of working through the challenges of a pandemic, design changes, and materials shortages JCL still reached practical completion at the end of 2022.
The project also presented opportunities for JCL apprentice carpenter Keys Tahata to gain a wealth of experience working on both an old and brand new build at the same time, learning the idiosyncrasies of blending a 1930s building and a 2022 building.
The end result is a sleek new building ready for the sounds of young learners.